Leo king – freelance copywriter
I'm the type of guy that's not very good at anything in particular, especially when it come to anything to do with coding as you can tell by this poorly constructed website, (if that's what you wanna call this)
So when I came across the skill of copywriting I was instantly hooked, A profession that allows me help businesses scale to higher numbers and doing it all with my words? literally a no brainer.
it was one of the first times I really wanted to put my all into something and really get GOOD at a skill.
Now I'm sure all that I've said sounds very intriguing and you must be absolutely BUZZING to see my pieces.
well thanks to my brilliant intellect I have absolutely no clue how to put them on here, so how about this.
I like email, you like email why don't we sit down like a couple of sophisticated individuals with a cup of coffee and have a good o'l fashion chat.